在承认因果性、必然性的基础上提出了一种对人类认识过程、认识内容的模型解释 .通过这个模型分析了随机不确定性和模糊不确定性的本质和来源 ,并就人类认识发展过程中的一些事例进行了实证性讨论 .认为客观世界本身不具有不确定性 ,不确定性只存在于人的认识中 ,是由于人的认识能力有限所造成的 ;不确定性方法作为一种认识手段的意义在于是帮助人们以有限的认识能力有效地认识世界。
Based on acknowledgement of the theory of causality and necessity,a scientific model is advanced in this paper to achieve analytic knowledge of human cognition.Based on this model of cognition,the essence and or igin of the two categories of uncertainty-randomness and fuzziness-are analyze d and elaborated.Furthermore,a few case studies are performed,focusing on the d evelopment of human knowledge.The author concludes that the objective world esse ntially does not characterize uncertainty in any sort;uncertainty is a subjectiv e character of human cognition and it stems from the limitation of cognitive abi lity.The significance of the scientific methods that dealing with uncertainty,su ch as stochastic mathematics and fuzzy mathematics,is to provide us with a cogni tive means so as to help us to understand the real world effectively with our li mited cognitive ability,rather that to depict the nature of the objective world.
Journal of Shantou University:Natural Science Edition