
利多卡因和氯胺酮对缺氧培养海马细胞静息膜电位的影响 被引量:1

Effects of lidocaine and ketamine on resting membrane potential of cultured anoxic hippocampal neurons
摘要 目的 观察利多卡因和氯胺酮对缺氧培养海马细胞的静息膜电位的影响。方法 培养12 d海马神经元,随机分为5组:正常对照组,缺氧4 h组,加氯胺酶缺氧4 h组,加利多卡因缺氧4 h组,加氯胺酮及利多卡因缺氧4 h组(混合组),药物剂量均100μmol/L。MTT法测量细胞存活率,膜片钳全细胞记录法测量静息膜电位(RP)值。结果 缺氧细胞存活率下降(P<0.01),加入氯胺酮和利多卡因有保护作用,存活率上升(P<0.01)。并以利多卡因使更有效(P<0.01),二者混合有加强作用(P<0.01)。结论 利多卡因及氯胺酮能协同提高体外海马神经元的抗缺氧能力,使缺氧的海马神经元静息膜电位增加,从而保持细胞膜的完整性,提高细胞的存活率。 Objective To investigate the effects of lidocaine and ketamine on resting membrane potentials of primary cultured anoxic hippocampal neurons using patch-clamp technique. Methods Hippocampal neurons were isolated from newborn Wistar rats ( < 24h after birth). Having been cultured and incubated for 12 days the hippocampal neurons were randomly divided into 5 groups : group Ⅰ normal control ( N); group Ⅱ anoxia 4 h (A); group Ⅲ lidocaine 100μmol·L-1 + anoxia 4 h (LA);group IV ketamine 100μmol·L-1 + anoxia 4 h (KA) and group Ⅴ lidocaine 100μmol·L-1 + ketamine 100μmol·L-1 + anoxia 4 h (KLA). In group Ⅱ-Ⅴ the neurons were incubated and cultured for 4h in the incubator filled with anoxic air (90% N2 , 10% CO2) at 37℃ . Cell survival rate was determined by MTT and resting potentials (RP) were measured using whole-cell patch clamp recording technique. Results In anoxia group (A) the cell survival rate decreased by 40% to 60% of the control ( group N) . In group K and L, ketamine and lidocaine increased the survival rate to 75 % and 85 % of the control respectively. In KLA group the survival rate was 91 % of the control. The difference in survival rate between group N and KLA was not statistically significant. In anoxia group (A) the RP amplitudes were significantly suppressed as compared with the control. Lidocaine and ketamine significantly increased the RP amplitudes suppressed by anoxia. Conclusion Lidocaine and ketamine enhance the tolerance of primary cultured hippocampal neurons to anoxia by increasing resting membrane potential of the cell.
出处 《中华麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第12期902-904,共3页 Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology
基金 北京卫生重点学科扶植项目(联合)资助(卫科扶字06号)
关键词 利多卡因 氯胺酮 缺氧培养海马细胞 膜电位 神经元 Membrane potentials Lidocaine Ketamine Cell hypoxia Hippocampus Neurons
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  • 1司徒镇强,吴军正主编..细胞培养[M],1996:363.










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