
中日两国教育业的产业关联与波及特点比较 被引量:5

A Comparison of the Characteristics of Educational Industry Relevancy and Industry Spread between China and Japan
摘要 中国教育业对GDP的贡献份额低于日本,说明中国教育业在国民经济中的地位没有日本高。中国教育业对各产业的依赖程度高于日本,反映了中国教育业发展后对其上游各产业的拉动能力高于日本。中、日两国各产业对教育业的依赖程度都非常低,这是两国教育业为企业提供市场型教育服务较少的缘故。中日两国教育业都属于中间投入小、附加值高的产业,而且中国教育业对其上游产业的总体带动能力远远高于日本。中国教育业的中间需求率略高于日本,两国的教育业都是以提供生活性教育服务为主的产业。中国教育业对国民经济发展的推动能力远高于日本,因此中国将教育业作为新的经济增长点的政策是合理的。中日两国教育业受到国民经济发展的拉动作用较小,这与两国教育业为企业提供教育服务较少有关。中国教育业的影响力明显高于感应度,因此中国有必要实行主动发展教育业的模式来推动国民经济的发展。 This paper considers that the contribution of educational industry to China’s GDP is small-er than that in Japan,which illuminates that the status of educational industry in national economy of China is not higher than that in Japan.The dependence of educational industry on other industries in china is stronger than that in Japan,which indicates that the drawing power of educational industry for its relevant in-dustries in China is larger than that in Japan.Because of the little service for other industries in market provided by educational industries both in China and in Japan,the dependece of other industries on educa-tion al industry is small.The educational industries both in China and in Japan are belong to this kind of in dustry which has smaller intermediate input and higher additional value.The ra tio of in terme di ate demand of education al in dustry in Chi na is high er than that in Japan which illuminates that education al in dustry is mainly to sup ply con sum ing service.The im petus to national economy in China is higher than that in Japan,there fore in China,regarding educational industry as the new economic increasing point is reasonable.The pow er drawn by nation al econ omy both in Chi na and in Japan is small.The in flu ence degree of educational in dustry in Chi na is larger than its re sponse degree.So it is necessary to develop ed ucational industry ini tia-tive to pro mote national economy in Chi na.
作者 李冠霖
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期29-33,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 教育事业 中国 日本 产业关联 特点 比较教育 国民经济 educational industry industry relevancy industry spread comparison
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