【目的】生物有机肥已经被广泛证明具有能够减少或代替部分化肥、农药的使用,增强作物抗逆性,改善作物品质,改良土壤等优势,同时其兼具有的促进作物生长和防控土传病害功能,已经越来越多地被人们所认可并在生产上广泛应用,其发挥作用的关键在于所含功能微生物的数量。为提升生物有机肥料中功能微生物的数量,有机载体中添加外源氨基酸固态发酵功能菌是研制生物有机肥的主要手段。目前菜粕为主要的外源添加氨基酸,但其高成本严重阻碍了生物有机肥产业的发展,开发利用多种废弃蛋白作为外源添加氨基酸,能够降低生物有机肥的成本,推动其产业的发展。【方法】本研究利用单因素和正交试验结合法,以废弃羽毛膨化粉、太湖打捞藻泥两种废弃蛋白资源和菜粕为外源添加氨基酸,添加固态发酵根际功能菌(PGPR)Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9研制生物有机肥,并利用盆栽试验分析了其苗期促生效果。【结果】单因素试验结果表明,最佳的固态发酵接菌量与含水量分别为7.5%和40%;正交试验结果表明,最优配方中,藻泥、菜粕和羽毛粉的最适添加量分别为5%、8%和12%;在最优配方下,经过7天的固态发酵,新型生物有机肥料中功能菌株SQR9的活菌数达到3.88×108cfu/g(肥料干重),游离氨基酸和短肽总含量达到1.39%,均显著高于未添加外源氨基酸所生产的生物有机肥;同时外源氨基酸的添加能够显著增加新型生物有机肥中总氮的含量。等养分盆栽试验结果表明,新型生物有机肥能够显著促进黄瓜和番茄植株苗期的生长,移栽40天时,黄瓜和茄子植株的株高、茎粗和SPAD值均显著高于对照,与未添加外源氨基酸的生物有机肥处理相比,黄瓜的地上部鲜重、地下部鲜重、地上部干重和地下部干重分别提高了51.15%、19.59%、4.59%和22.66%,茄子分别提高了134.29%、29.73%、72.35%和43.69%;与�
Objectives]It has been extensively demonstrated that bio-organic fertilizer ( BIO ) could eventually replace some of the chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are currently overused in agriculture, enhance stress tolerance of plants, improve crop quality and soil quality, and so on.Meanwhile, the application of these BIOs is becoming more popular since more and more farmers are recognizing the effect of BIOs not only in promoting plant growth but also in protecting plant roots from soil-born pathogens as well.In addition, number of functional microbes play a key role for producing the best effects.Thus, in order to improve quality of the produced BIO, addition of amino acids as solid-state fermentation ( SSF ) medium is a main method for producing BIOs with functional microbes.However, the production costs are significantly increased due to high cost of oil rapeseed cakes which are the common exogenous amino acids till now, thereby limiting the large-scale extension of BIOs. Therefore, new SSF media should be developed to greatly reduce the production cost while supplying essential nutrition for the special microbial species and to further promote efficacious plant growth.[Methods]This study investigated possibility of producing the BIO with PRPG strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 by adding rapeseed cake and two high-protein solid wastes, algal sludge and feather powder, in cow dung compost using the single-factor test and orthogonal experiment.[Results]The single-factor test results show that the optimum inoculum volume and moisture content are 7.5%and 40%, respectively.The orthogonal test reveals that the cell density of strain SQR9 could reach up to 3.88 ×108 cfu/g ( DW) in the optimum combination consisting of 5%algal sludge, 8%rapeseed and 12%feather powder after 7 days of SSF, the contents of total free amino acids and short peptides TAPS in the resulting BIO could reach up to 1.39% ( DW ) , and the values are both higher than those in the control product produced with none exogenous amino acid
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers