试验结果证明:X.oryzae 不能利用硝态氮,对氨态氮的利用能力也很差。X.protypus 的菌株 O-722对硝态氮和氨态氮的利用能力都很强。X.oryzicola、X.leersiae 和 X.protypus 的菌株 LS-9则介乎两者之间。若以蔗糖代替葡萄糖作碳源,则 X.oryzae 对铵盐的利用能力显著增强。X.oryzae 对氨基酸等的要求较 X.oryzicola 严格。对 X.oryzae 生长最适宜的氨基酸是 L-谷氨酸、L-门冬氨酸、L-脯氨酸和 L-丙氨酸等,以 L-谷氨酸最好。X.oryzicola 适宜的氨基酸与上述相似,但是种类更多一些。因此,白叶枯病的发展与水稻营养状态之所以有密切的关系,这与白叶枯病细菌的营养特征有关。水稻细菌性条斑病细菌对氮肥的反应不象白叶枯病菌那样敏感,可能是条斑病细菌对氮素营养的要求不如白叶枯病细菌严格的原故。试验结果还指出,致病性强弱不同的细菌对氮素营养的要求不同,接近于腐生的弱寄生性菌(X.protypus),对硝态氮和氨态氮的利用能力都很强。因此,在一系列有亲缘关系的细菌中,随着致病性的增强,对氮素营养的要求也可能相应地更加严格。
Species under study were X.oryzae (isolate OS-8 from rice),X.oryzicola (isolate OS-602from rice),X.leersiae (isolate LJ-12 from Leersia) and X.protypus (isolate LS-9 and 0-722respectiveIy from Leersia and rice).The basal medium was prepared according to Starr'sformula,and the amount of different sources of nitrogen used was adjusted so that the amountof nitrogen was equivalent to two grams of asparagine or 424 mg nitrogen per liter of theculture solution.Results showed that these four species were different in their nitrogen re-quirements.X.oryzae could not utilize effectiveIy nitrates or ammonium salts,but its abilityto utilize ammonium salts could be enhanced if sucrose instead of glucose was supplied as thecarbon source.On the other hand,isolate 0-722 of X.protypus could utilize effectively bothnitrates and ammonium salts.X.oryzicola,X.leersiae and isolate LS-9 of X.protypus wereintermediate between them.X.orgzae was also quite specific in its requirements of organicform of nitrogen such as amino acids and amides.The most favorable amino acids for X.oryzae were found to be L-glutamic acid,L-aspartic acid,L-alanine and L-proline.Theseamino acids were also favorable for X.oryzicola,but more amino acids and amides could beutilized by X.oryzicola.Results of previous experiments indicate a close relationship betweenthe development of the bacterial leaf blight of rice caused by X.oryzae and the nutritionalcondition of the rice plant,and it may be partly explained by the specific nutritional require-ments of the causal organism.
Acta Phytopathologica Sinica