
基于医生视角的肿瘤多学科诊疗模式现状和对策研究 被引量:18

Research on status quo and countermeasures on MDT mode in cancer treatment with a perspective of doctor
摘要 目的:从医生视角分析某三甲医院肿瘤MDT现状,探索优化管理,提高质量与效率,提升对复杂疾病的诊疗与研究水平。方法:采用问卷调查和知情访谈相结合的方式对某三甲医院出席过MDT讨论的医生进行问卷调查。结果:医生对受邀医生配合、明确治疗方案及落实、促进学科交流、临床水平提升评价较高;对病历资料完整性、进入患者指征及后续随访、科研能力提升、绩效水平评价偏低。结论:医院需加强保障、规范管理;严格筛选患者、建立医师库;建设MDT信息平台,完善随访和生物样本库建设,发挥外部效应。 Objectives: The current status of a top tertiary hospital’s multi-disciplinary treatments on cancers in doctors’ perspective were analyzed to explore ways of optimizing management and improve the quality and efficiency in treatments and research levels of complicated illnesses. Methods: MDT related doctors in the selected top tertiary hospital received both survey questionnaires and interviews. Results: Doctors positively commented on the factors such as the cooperation of invited doctors, decision on treatments plans and their implementation, the promotion of exchanges between disciplines and medical level improvement. But negatively commented on factors such as completeness of medical records, accessing the indications of patients and their follow-up visits, improvement in research abilities and performance levels. Conclusions: The hospital should enhance supporting functions, regulate administration, select patients strictly, set up doctors’ database, set up multi-disciplinary treatments information platform, optimize follow-up visits system and biobank system as well as produce externality.
出处 《中国医院》 2016年第8期39-42,共4页 Chinese Hospitals
关键词 医生视角 肿瘤 多学科诊疗模式 doctor’s perspective cancer multi-disciplinary treatments
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