
发行者视角下保函支持商业票据定价研究 被引量:1

Study on the Guarantee of Asset Securitization Pricing from the Perspective of Bond Issuers
摘要 在商业票据职能和资产支持商业票据融资潜在风险基础上,提出保函支持商业票据发行融资方式。考虑保函支持商业票据发行的客观基础和主观动因,通过分析发行过程中各参与者之间利润分配确定发行者收益函数。进一步利用累积前景理论,引入价值函数和决策权重函数构建发行者的效用函数,得出发行者效用最大化的保函支持商业票据最优定价及最优定价约束条件。最后,结合部分参数的现实取值,对定价与所选取的自变量之间的关系进行仿真。结果表明,在既定的参照点和基础收益函数结构下,发行者效用最大化条件下的最优定价与主体风险属性和市场随机干扰无关,发行者表现出风险中性特征;最优定价和最优发行规模在不同凹凸性的支配下,均随着分享系数的增加而单调递增。 To alleviate funding pressure of enterprises,especially middle and small-sized ones,and to assure application of deferred payments in business activities,the concept of guarantee backed commercial paper was proposed based on the functions of commercial paper and potential funding risks of asset backed commercial paper.The pricing of the proposed paper,whose underlying assets are backed by guarantee,was also studied.The key point of financing tool issuance is that whether the pricing of it could reflect interests of issuers and investors at the same time after paying cost to other stakeholders.And for a new tool,the interest of issuers must be the first consideration.Like asset backed commercial paper,guarantee backed commercial paper is also a generalized kind of asset securitization.However,the traditional pricing methods of asset securitization,which focus on the medium and long term asset,do not apply to guarantee backed commercial paper.Therefore,the concept of utility maximization was applied in the present paper to obtain reasonable price and its constraint conditions.The potential issuer exhibits more behavioral rather than rational traits given the bargaining power of institutional investors,which are more common in commercial paper markets,and the consideration of risk and payoff affected by contingency.Thus,the cumulative prospect theory was used to capture different risk attitudes when individual facing gains or losses,and utility function of the issuer was presented via value and weight functions.Results have shown that mathematical model of pricing is just relevant to net profit and does not take risk attribute,weight function and parameter of market turbulence into account.Thus,the issuer it risk neutral in this circumstance.Furthermore,a case study was conducted by substitute parameters in pricing model and its constraint conditions with data gathered from relevant guarantee business of micro-credit companies in Jiangsu province.Simulation between total profit,issuance scale,price and concerned var
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期1-9,共9页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71671037 71371051 71201023) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(16YJA630026) 江苏省社会科学基金青年项目(15GLC003)
关键词 发行者视角 保函 商业票据 累积前景理论 定价 the perspective of the issuer guarantee asset securitization cumulative prospect theory pricing
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