Six elements(Cu,Zn,Mn,Fe,Mo,Ca)in hair,which was collected fromresidents in the endemic and non-endemic area of the Keshen disease inYunan province Dali Country,were fur-ther determinated by atomic absorptionspectrophotometry and polarography.The result is in agreement with thatpublished by us previouly.There are highly significant difference betweenchildren with disease and those in non-endemic area with respect to concentr-ation of Mn,Fe,Mo in the hair.But nodifference was found between patientsand normal children in endemic area.Discriminant function can not be sig-nificantly established for patients andnormal children in endemic area.But fornormal children in endemic area andnon-endemic area,larger contributiverate for discriminant function is conte-nts of Fe,Mo,Mn in hair.The conten-ts of Zn and Ca are lower in hair fromchildren than from adults.The largestcontributive rate for discriminant fun-ction of children and adults in endemicarea is contents of Fe and Zn in hair.It is suggested that in the light of theseresults of the survey,the influnce ofFe and Mn on metabolism of Se shouldbe further investigated.
Chinese Journal of Endemiology