狭义相对论 (SR)可概括为 10个主要方面 ,即 1个变换 ,2个公设 ,3个公式 ,4个推论。目前对狭义相对论的质疑集中在“光速不变公设”和“光速不能超过推论”这两方面。 1992年以后的 10年间已做成了若干超光速实验 ,有的在经典领域 ,有的在量子领域。 2 0 0 1年 ,有迹象表明在大的宇宙时间尺度上光速缓慢减小 ,这引起了对光速是否真的恒定不变的质疑 ,SR似已受到挑战。国际科学界如使新理论成立 。
In this paper, the special relativity (SR) is resolved in ten elements, i.e. two postulates, one transformation, three equations, and four inferences. After the theoretical and experimental examination, the problems of SR are concentrated on two fields—the light speed constancy postulate, and the inference of light speed can't superluminal. After 1992, experiments have revealed superluminal velocities, i.e. velocities faster than light, and this behavior has been observed both in the classical and quantum domain. In 2001, there is evidence to suggest that the velocity of light is slowly decreasing over cosmological time scales. This would call into question whether the light speed is truly constant or not .If the new physical theory stands up in the international scientific world, it would be the scientific revolution since Einstein's theory of SR.
Strategic Study of CAE
special relativity
light speed constancy postulate
faster than light (superluminal)
fine structure constant