The foundation of Lorentz transformation is that in condition of t' = t = 0, the origins o' and o of two inertial reference frames k' and k is coincident. At this time, the light speed signal is emitted from coincident origin. After Lorentz transformation, it is concluded that the light speed is the limit of any objective's velocities. In this paper, we assume that in condition of t' = t = 0, the origins o' and o of two inertial reference frames k' and k is coincident. At this time, a signal with a faster-than-light speed is emitted from the coincident origin. Then we derive the modified Lorentz transformation formula, and prove that there is no limit of the faster-than-light speed and ds2 is still the Lorentz invariable. At the same time, we also derive the modified speed transformation formula of the theory of relativity. By the modified Lorentz transformation formula, we can derive some other transformation formula between the inertial reference frames under the faster-than-light speed.
Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology
Lorentz transformation , The modified Lorentz transformation formula, Faster-than-light speed, The speed transformation formula of the theory of relativity. The modified speed transformation formula of the theory of relativity.