AIM:To study the structure,number,density and distribution of muscle spi ndle in paraspinal muscle of the c hicken scoliosis model so as to provi de theo retical basis for the pathogeny of idiopathic scoliosis METHODS:The scoliosis m odel obtained by performing pinealectomy in chickens(3days old)was divided in to two groups accordin g to Cobb degree:Cobb 10°-20°group and Cobb >4 0°goup.After the paraspinal muscle were obtained,they were cut into pie ces .Morphology of the spindle using Masson trichrome stain.Statistical analysis w ere performed on the numb er and density of muscle spindle.RESULTS:In some of the spindles in paraspinal muscle of model,the membranes showed'changing like balloon',and the intrafusal muscle fiber was irregular.The density of muscle spindle was(25±5)in Cobb 10°-20°group and(23±7)per gram of m uscle in Cobb >40°group.Compared with the control group,the st ructure of some of the spindles in paraspinal muscle of the chicken scoliosis m odel is irregular,the number is fewer and density is decreased.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation