文章介绍一种适合高多层PCB用高耐热性低介质损耗覆铜板,其主要性能指标为:Tg(DSC)>200℃,Dk/Df(10GHz&Low Dk-Glass)=3.5/0.0060,经过85℃/85%RH恒温恒湿箱处理192h后的吸水率只有0.25%。可满足28层PCB板5次无铅回流焊。
This paper introduces a high heat resistance and low dielectric loss CCL for high layer count PCB, which possesses the key characteristics:Tg(DSC)>200℃, Dk/Df(10GHZ&NE-Glass)=3.5/0.006, the water absorption was only 0.25% after a constant temperature and humidity treatment(85℃/85%RH) for 192 hours. It can meet the requirement of 28-layer PCB subject to five cycles lead-free infrared reflow.
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