先进文化是科学精神、人文精神、宗教精神三种精神共存共荣、共同作用而形成的文化。科学精神的 主要任务是求真,宗教精神的主要任务是求善,人文精神的主要任务是求美。三种精神与三种文明有着难解难 分的关系,正是三种精神的共同作用,推动着物质文明、政治文明、精神文明不断向前发展。三种精神的和谐发展 推动着人类社会不断进步。
Advanced culture is composed of scientific, humane and religious spirits, which act and survive together. The principal task of scientific spirit is to pursue the true. That of religious spirit is to pursue the good. And that of humane spirit is to pursue the beautiful. The combined action of the three kinds of spirits propels development of material, political and spiritual civilizations. $$$$
Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition