笔者针对心搏骤停者在心肺复苏(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)基础生命支持时于30次胸外按压后行2次人工通气期间,由于胸外按压中断引发循环中断、通气血流比失衡的问题,开展了在对心搏骤停(Cardiac arrest,CA)患者进行基础生命支持时,于30次胸外按压后进行2次人工通气期间,给予同步腹部提压心肺复苏的应用性研究。通过与标准心肺复苏(于30次胸外按压后进行2次人工通气法)进行随机对照试验,证实了30次胸外按压后进行2次人工通气期间,给予同步腹部提压心肺复苏的复苏效果。我们有关腹部心肺复苏的系列试验研究,为进一步临床转化应用奠定了基础,为弥补标准心肺复苏于胸外按压后人工通气期间其循环间断、通气血流比失衡的缺陷,籍以提高心肺复苏的成功率,适时在临床应用中于胸外按压期间辅以与人工通气支持同步的腹部提压CPR法,加强胸外按压联合腹部提压进行CPR的应用性研究具有重要临床意义。
According to sudden cardiac arrest during cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR resuscitation,CPR) basic life support in the 30 times in pressing underwent two artificial ventilation in the period,and due to chest compressions interrupt triggered interrupt the cycle,ventilation / perfusion ratio imbalance problem,the author carries out the cardiac arrest(cardiac arrest,CA) in patients with basic life support,in thirty chest compressions after two artificial ventilation during given synchronous abdominal provided pressure to study the application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR).A randomized controlled trial was conducted with a standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation(30 artificial ventilation method),which was confirmed by 30 times of chest compression,and the recovery of the heart and lung resuscitation in the abdomen was confirmed.Series of experimental studies on the recovery of abdominal heart and lung in order to make up for the defects of CPR,and CPR in clinical application,which is important for improving the recovery of heart and lung.
Chinese Research Hospitals
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Chest compression
Abdominal compression