本文通过对大量英文和中文文献的检索和分析 ,以几个重要的主题作为阐述的基本框架 ,比较全面地分析了中国本土学者、外国学者以及旅居国外的中国学者对中国旅游问题的研究成果和基本观点 ,并对旅游研究过程中所呈现的基本趋势进行了讨论。通过这个分析 ,使国内同行得以一窥中国旅游问题在世界旅游论坛上被关注的程度 ,以及了解中国旅游研究与国外旅游研究的差别。本文提供的大量英文文献 。
This paper,through the retrieving and analysis of a wealth of English and Chinese literature,makes an all\|round analysis of the research results and basic viewpoints on China's tourism made by Chinese scholars,foreign scholars and Chinese scholars residing abroad,and holds discussions on the basic trend in the course of tourism research.Through the analysis,Chinese counterparts can see that China's tourism is deeply concerned in the world Tourism Forum and understand the difference between Chinese and foreign tourism research.The paper provides an extensive literature,which may serve as an important academic clue in the relevant research fields.
Tourism Tribune