目的 了解广西低山丘陵区嗜人按蚊分布区与环境因素的关系 ,找出该蚊分布的主要地理特征和规律。 方法 选择 1983年以来发现嗜人按蚊密度较高的环江县和罗城县进行调查。由专业人员根据全国嗜人按蚊分布区特征的调查项目表内容 ,调查每个点的总面积、可耕地面积、水田面积、单双季稻面积、水稻主要病虫害、杀虫剂种类及用量。在当地县气象站、乡农业技术部门收集调查点的气象资料和土壤类型以及性质等资料。 结果 嗜人按蚊分布区植被以树林、灌木和农作物为主 ,覆盖良好。土壤类型有红壤、黄壤和黄棕壤 3种 ,有机物平均含量 1.88%~ 3 .2 8% ,含磷量0 .4~ 4.0mg/L ,pH值 4.2 5~ 6.2 5。主要水体有河流、池塘、沟渠 3种 ,分布区广种水稻 ,农药使用普遍。 结论 广西嗜人按蚊主要分布于海拔 2 0 0~ 3 80m的低山丘陵区 ,沟渠和山边渗出水灌溉的稻田是该蚊主要的孳生地。农药的广泛使用对嗜人按蚊有明显的杀灭效果。桂北低山丘陵区特有的凉爽气候带 ,清凉的水质以及酸性土壤适合该蚊生长繁殖 ,是广西桂北地区嗜人按蚊明显多于桂南地区的主要原因之一。
Objective To find out the distributive rule and characters for Anopheles anthropophagous in Guangxi Province. Methods The villages in hilly of An. anthropophagus -distributed area where amount of mosquitoes was found in 1980s were selected for investigation. The survey included the vegetation, soil, water system, temperature, farming and crops. Results The vegetation of An. anthropophagus -distributed area mainly consisted of forest, bush and crops. The soil texture was red, yellow or yellow brown, contained 1.88%-3.28% organic material. The proportion of phosphonium was 0.4-4.0 mg/L. The pH of soil was 4.25-6.25. The hilly land was densely covered with rivers, ponds, irrigation canals and rice fields. There were one or two seasons of rice plantation in two counties and amount of insecticide was used in the rice field. Conclusion An. anthropophagus was chiefly distributed in hilly area. The breeding place was rice fields, especially one season rice field. So much pesticide had used in the field and had a good effect to kill An. anthropophagus. The cooled weather belt, clear water and acid soil in northern Guangxi is very suitable to An. anthropophagus breeding and growth and it is one of main reason for this mosquito population is more than southern part of the Province.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control
卫生部 /WHO资助项目 (CHN/MAL ./ 0 0 1 )
Hilly land
Anopheles anthropophagus
environmental factor