目的 了解湖北省嗜人按蚊分布区的自然环境和社会经济环境。方法 在嗜人按蚊分布区按不同地形随机抽查 5 %的村组进行调查。结果 嗜人按蚊分布区植被为树林、灌木、草皮、农作物等 ,河流、沟渠、池塘密布 ,水 pH为 6 .1~ 7.7。土质为黄、黄棕、灰、黑土 4种 ,土壤有机物 2 .72 %。农业种植单、双季稻。 5种杀虫剂用量0 .82 8kg/亩。年均气温 16 .9℃、年均湿度 76 .9%。嗜人按蚊繁殖期为 6~ 9月份 ,其高峰在单季稻区 1个 ,双季稻区 2个。它栖息人房、牛栏、猪栏内各占场所构成比依次为 80 .9%、12 .2 %和 6 .0 %。结论 嗜人按蚊在低山、丘陵岗地、浅丘平畈区呈点、片、带状分布 ,分布区植被及水源丰富 ,农作水稻以单季稻为主 ,土质为黄土和黄棕壤土。
Objective To investigate the natural and socio economical environment in the areas where Anopheles anthropophagus distributed in Hubei Province. Methods 5% of the villages in distribution area of An. anthropophagus were randomly selected for the investigation which included vegetation, soil, water, temperature, farming, resting places of the mosquito. Results The vegetation of An. anthropophagus area consisted of forest, bush,sod and crops. The area was densely covered with river, ditches and ponds, the water pH being 6.1~7.7. The soil texture was either yellow, yellow brown, grey or black, contained 2.72% organic material. There were one or two seasons of rice plantation in the area and the amount of insecticide used was 0.828 kg/mu in the rice field. The annual average temperature was 16.9 ℃ and the humidity was 76.9%. The breed period of An. anthropophagus was from June to September. There are two peaks of mosquito population in area with two seasons of rice plantation, and one peak in one rice season. The composition of An. anthropophagus resting in households, cowsheds and pigpens was 80.9%,12.2% and 6.0%, respectively. Conclusion The distribution of An. anthropophagus was in point, flaky or belt form in low hill, hillock, shallow hilly plain. These areas were full of vegetation and source of water, the principal crop was single cropping of rice, and soil texture is yellow or yellow brown. The major resting place of the mosquito was human dwellings.
Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
卫生部/WHO资助项目 (NoCHN/MAL/0 0 1)~~
Anopheles anthropophagus, distribution, environmental factor