冷战后时代 ,国际关系研究呈现出多元化状态 ,其中对文化因素考察占据了显要的地位 ,且随着国际关系理论的日趋成熟而不断发展为一个重要学术方向。鉴于这种情况 ,本文试图通过回顾 2 0世纪 90年代以来国内外对国际关系中文化因素的研究 ,从学科建设角度系统总结、梳理该理论方向的兴起、嬗变历程及其发生的根源 ,以期推动这一学术问题在新世纪的深入探讨及其学科化的打造。特别是相对于中国 ,国外对国际关系中的文化研究起步较早 ,并取得了相对丰硕的成果 ,因此对该学术方向研究进行基础性的归纳梳理还必将积极促动中国学者在其学科化发展上做出自身应有的贡献。
In the post Cold War era,studies of international relations have become diversified.Against this backdrop,studies of cultural factors became more and more important and with the maturing of international relations theories they have evolved into an independent academic field.By reviewing the cultural studies in international relations since the 1990s at home and abroad,this essay attempts to systematically analyze the emergence,evolution,as well as the root causes of the rise of cultural studies in international relations,aiming to help deepen the discussions on this subject and to develop this field of study into a discipline.In particular,this field of study in western countries began much earlier and more fruitfully than in China.Therefore, a systematic analysis of cultural studies in international relations will inevitably spur Chinese researchers to make their own contributions to developing this subject into an independent discipline along with their foreign counterparts.
World Economics and Politics