自国际政治领域出现社会学转向以来 ,文化越来越多地受到研究人员的重视。目前 ,文化内容最为丰富的主流国际政治理论当属社会建构主义。但建构主义毕竟不是完全意义上的文化理论 ,也仍然未能贯通作为共有知识的文化这一意义网络系统。要构建世界政治的文化理论 ,需要借鉴建构主义 ,但也需要超越建构主义。首先要厘清的是文化理论不可或缺的三个概念 ,即文化结构、文化单位和文化力。其中 ,文化力的概念尤为重要 ,因为它促成私有知识上升为共有知识 ,编织了体系层次的意义网络 。
Since the emergence of the sociological shift in international politics,cultural phenomena have increasingly attracted scholarly attention.Social constructivism is the theory with the richest cultural content within the mainstream establishment of international politics.Constructivism,however,is not a cultural theory in a complete sense and cannot explicate culture as common knowledge or as networks of meanings.Therefore,it is necessary both to learn from and to go beyond social constructivism to develop a cultural theory of world politics.First,three concepts that are to be included in a cultural theory need to be clarified:cultural structures,cultural units, and cultural forces.The latter is the key,for it channels private knowledge to common knowledge,weaves the networks of meanings at the systemic level ,and brings about changes in the existing culture itself.
World Economics and Politics