对微山湖野生日本鸣鹑、小型家鹑与中型家鹑在不同试验分组情况下的生态行为进行观察与统计 ,结果表明 ,家鹑与野鹑在体型和生物学习性上有所不同 ;野生与家养鹌鹑的杂交需经历由排斥到亲合的过程 ;公、母鹑均有较强的择偶性 ;野生鹌鹑与家鹌鹑可以成功地实现交配 ,也可以产生受精蛋 ,受精率却不高 ;2种家鹑与野生原种在形态。
This paper,on the basis of on-the-spot observations ,m akes an analysis of the ecological behaviours of 3 categories of quails,namely w ild Japanese quails in the Weishan Lake Area, medium-sized domestic quails and pint-sized domestic quails. There is a difference in morphological and biologi cal habits between domestic quails and wild Japanese ones. The cross-breedin g between the wild and domestic quails is a cross from exclusion to affinity. T he behaviours of quails such as pursuit,paw and mating are selective. The wild Japanese quails and domestic ones can succeed in mating and reproducing fertiliz ed eggs but with a low rate. Evolutionary differentiation has been formed in va rying degrees between the domestic quails and their wild ancestors in morphologi cal and ecological characteristics.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 30 0 70 550 )