重新解读《千金翼方》卷二十六所记唐初甄权修明堂及其后官修明堂的经过 ,参以两《唐书》进行考证 ,得知甄权《明堂人形图》完成于武德四年 (6 2 1)以前 ,而官修明堂则完成于贞观二年(6 2 8)或四年 (6 30 )。官修明堂的主持人既非甄权 ,也非孙思邈 ,而是时任少府监的李袭誉 ,甄权则在学术上起了主导作用。官修明堂图的名称当为《明堂针灸图》 ,它是在《明堂人形图》的基础上修订而成的。
By repeatedly studying the process that Zhen Quan and later officials revised Ming Tang recorded in the 26th volume of Qian jin yi fang (A Supplement to Recipes Worth A Thousand Gold), and consulting textual research on Tang shu, we get to know that Ming tang ren xing tu of Zhen Quan was finished before the 4th year of Wu De emperor, while the officially revised Ming tang was finished in the 2nd or 4th year of Zhen Guan emperor. Neither Zhen Quan nor Sun Simiao was the director of the official revised Ming tang, but was Li Xiyi, the charger of Shao Fu at that time. Zhen Quan played a dominant role academically. The title of official revised Ming tang was virtually Ming tang zhen jiu tu, which was revised on the basis of Ming tang ren xing tu.
Chinese Journal of Medical History