目的对我国南北两城市530份乙型肝炎(乙肝)病毒(HBV)进行血清型和基因型分型,以了解HBV基因型和血清型分布的特点和差异。方法 对黑龙江省哈尔滨市和广东省廉江市530份乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性血清进行HBV DNA基因扩增,并对扩增产物直接测序,分析HBV血清亚型和基因型。结果 哈尔滨和廉江市HBV血清型以adrq为最多,分别为87.2%和73.5%,其次为adw2,分别为12.0%和25.7%,其分布差异有非常显著意义(P<0.001);两市HBV基因型均以C型为主,分别为87.8%,73.2%,其次为B型,分别为12.2%和26.1%,其分布差异有非常显著意义(P<0.001),在廉江市仅有1例D型,1例B、C混合型。结论我国南北两城市HBV血清亚型和基因型的构成较为单纯,均只有两个类型,其比例构成差异有非常显著意义。
Objective To understand HBV serotypes and genotypes epidemiology in a northern city and a southern city in China. Methods Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing of HBV DNA PCR products, the serotypes and genotypes of HBV in 530 from HBsAg positive samples. The enrolled patients were from Harbin, a northern city and Lianjiang, a southern city in China. Results Comparison of the serotypes and genotypes of HBV between Harbin and Lianjiang showed that adrq+ was the most predominant hepatitis B virus serotype in both Harbin and Lianjiang (87.2% and 73.5%, respectively), adw2 was the next (12.0% and 25.7%, respectively); genotype C was the most frequent in Harbin and Lianjiang (87.8 % and 73.2%, respectively), and genotype B was the next(12.2% and 26.1% , respectively) . only 1 patient was infected by genotype D, and 1 patient was found to be co-infected by genotype B and C in Lianjiang. Conclusion The results suggest that the percentage of HBV serotypes and genotypes between Harbin and Lianjiang was significantly different ( P < 0.001) , but the main HBV serotype and genotype of the two cities were similar.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology