司法独立作为一项人权原则和法治原则 ,已被国际社会广泛接受 ,并且已经形成其国际标准。中国在宪法和法律中 ,也对司法独立作了原则性的确认和规定。但是 ,由于中国司法存在着较为严重的地方保护主义 ,形成了“司法权地方化”的格局 ,破坏了法制的统一和司法独立原则的实施。中国司法地方保护主义有其深厚的体制性根源和思想文化根源。解决中国司法地方保护主义问题就需要彻底地改造形成“司法权地方化”的体制性因素 ,以“司法权国家化”作为司法体制改革的思路 ,并以此进行相应的司法制度设计。
judicial independence, as a principle of human rights and the rule of law, has been widely accepted by the world community as an international standard. China has also confirmed and provided for the principle of judicial independence in its Constitution and laws. However, the serious problem of local protectionism in judicial practice has resulted in the 'localization of judicial power', which has undermined the unity of the legal system and impeded the implementation of the principle of judicial independence. Judicial local protectionism is deeply rooted in the political system, as well as in the ideology and culture in China. To overcome judicial local protectionism, China must thoroughly reform the institutional factors that lead to 'localization of judicial power', take 'nationalization of judicial power' as the guideline for judicial reform, and design a new judicial system accordingly.
Chinese Journal of Law