
马克思与赫斯思想关联的再反思 被引量:3

Rethinking the Ideological Connection between Marx and Hess
摘要 马克思与赫斯的思想关联存在着友好合作、决裂告别、隔空对话三个时期,以往学界只讨论了马克思与赫斯之间的友好合作和决裂告别两个时期,却完全忽略了二者之间的隔空对话期。在晚年时期,马克思和赫斯分别给予了对方的《物质动力学说》和《资本论》以崇高的礼赞。这说明他们之间的'决裂'并非简单意义上的一次性的彻底决裂,而是经历了'友好—决裂—对话'的发展轨迹。二者早期的决裂究竟是在什么意义上发生的,在决裂的同时有没有保持一致性,在何种意义上具有一致性,这种一致性是不是导致二人在晚年再次相互欣赏的原因,学界对这些问题一直缺乏深入的讨论。事实上,赫斯曾经一度在费尔巴哈的类哲学那里停留而忽略了辩证法的革命意义,而马克思却并没有在费尔巴哈那里过多的停留,这是导致二者在1848年发生所谓'决裂'的原因。赫斯在晚年体会到了辩证法的革命性和科学性,从而挣脱了费尔巴哈的思想束缚,与马克思殊途同归,走向了一种类似于历史唯物主义的道路。这再次说明,历史辩证法是历史唯物主义的关键,脱离开历史辩证法去抽象地讨论历史唯物主义是一种严重的方法论错误,这一点对于我们反思当代的西方马克思主义具有重要的警示作用。 The relationship between Marx and Hess went through three periods:friendly cooperation,breakup and the'trans-time-and-space'dialogue.In the past,the academic circles only discussed the friendly cooperation and break-up between Marx and Hess,but completely ignore the'trans-time-and-space'dialogue period.In their later years,Marx and Hess sang high praise of each other’s works-The Theory of Material Dynamics and Capital.This shows that the'breakup'between them was not a one-time complete breakup in the simple sense,but a development trajectory of'friendship-breakup-dialogue'.In what sense did the early breakup of the two happen?Whether there was a consistency in the breakup?In what sense did the consistency show up?Did this consistency make the two appreciate each other again in their later years?The academic circles have few in-depth discussions on these issues.In fact,Hess once lingered in Feuerbach’s species-philosophy and ignored the revolutionary significance of dialectics,but Marx did not delve deeply in Feuerbach,leading to the breakup between the two in 1848.In his later years,Hess came to recognize the revolutionary and scientific nature of dialectics,thus breaking free of Feuerbach’s ideological bondage and moving in the same direction as Marx to embark on a path similar to historical materialism.This again shows that historical dialectics is the key to historical materialism.It is a serious methodological error to abstractly discuss historical materialism while being detached from historical dialectics.This has an important warning effect on our reflection on contemporary Western Marxism.
作者 黄其洪 卢丽娟 HUANG Qi-hong;LU Li-juan(Marxist Theoretical Research Center&Institute of Western Marxism,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期32-40,共9页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 重庆市社科基金项目一般项目“马克思的实践观念及其在当代中国的发展研究”(2014YBZX009) 重庆市社科基金项目一般项目“马克思低阶正义理论研究”(2016YBZX012) 西南大学中央业务费重大培育项目“中国特色社会主义的历史哲学定位及世界意义研究”(SWU1809010) 西南大学中央业务费重点项目“马克思社会主义社会正义观研究”(SWU1909313)
关键词 马克思 赫斯 《资本论》 《物质动力学说》 历史辩证法 Marx Hess Capital The Theory of Material Dynamics Historical Dialectics
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