近年来 ,援外方式和资金来源实现了多样化发展。中国政府根据援款的不同性质灵活多样地承担公共福利性、基础设施型、资源开发性项目和效益型生产项目 ,这些项目的基本特点是多专业合成的系统性工程 ,涉及勘察、设计、咨询、施工、安装、调试、试生产等多个环节 ,采取设计、施工分别由不同单位实施的模式 ,具有一定的局限性。以大型工程承包商为主体的 EPC承包方式 ,为能源和资源开发。
Over the past years, the approaches and financial resources of PRC for aiding the foreign developing countries have diversified with the changes in the international political and economical situation. The government has provided financial supports to variety of the welfare, infrastructure, energy and resource exploitation and beneficial Hi-tech and production projects depending upon different purposes of the funds. Such projects are involved in survey, engineering, consulting, equipment and material procurement, technical services, construction, erection, commissioning, trial run and training activities. It would be restricted to use the conventional project contracting mode in which the project is performed separately by independent engineering and construction firms. EPC, in which a powerful contractor serves as the contracting leader, is a functional and practical approach for management of the above-said foreign-aid construction projects.
Port Engineering Technology