大通曼哈顿银行坐落于纽约市中心,是美国一家专门培养和选拔商业银行员工的摇篮。大通曼哈顿银行业务最初是在荷兰,但经过数百年的发展已从荷兰逐渐普及到英、美、日及全世界,它的分支机构也几乎遍布世界各地。大通曼哈顿银行的成功因素有很多,但其中最不容忽视的便是它在人事管理和员工培训方面的一些策略和技巧。 1.不惜重金投入,严格培训计划。大通曼哈顿银行重视培训,重视人才的突出表现形式是在对教育费用的重金投入上。
Business of Chase Manhattan Bank originating in Holland has popularized into British, U.S.A. Japan and even the whole world with its development in more than 100 years and in most parts of the world there are its branches. There are many factors for its success among which, its strategy and skills of personnel management and training mustn't be ignored.
Modern Commercial Banking