以小白菜(B.chinensisVar.communis)为试材,研究了不同用量的醌氢醌对小白菜根系活性的影响。结果表明,醌氢醌能使小白菜根系活力、根Na+ K+ ATP酶活力、根系呼吸强度提高,且醌氢醌用量以3.0g m2处理产量最高。醌氢醌提高小白菜根系活力可能是提高小白菜产量的生理基础之一。
Effect of quinhydrone on root activity was studied under pot experiment with B.chinensis Var. communis. The result shows that the activity of root and root Na^+-K^+-ATPase are improved, the root respiration rate increases. The improvement of root activity is one of the basis of higher yield, and the proper amount of quinhydrone is 3.0g/ m^2.