本文利用连续自动进样塞曼扣背景原子吸收法测定了松花江水中的铜、铅、锌、镉、铬元素含量 ,相对标准偏差分别为 4 3%、 5 7%、 7 9%、 3 2 %、 6 5 % ,回收率分别为 1 0 1 7%、 92 6%、 97 3%、 93 5 %、 98 7%。松花江水体中上述元素含量均在渔业水质标准规定范围内。
A method about the determination of Cu Zn Pb and Cr in Songhuajiang River is described in this paper,the background is eliminated by Zeeman effect.water sample is determined in succession.Accuracy of this method is 92%~102% and average respectively is 4.3%~7.9%.The content of forward metal is all lower than water quality standard for fisheries.
Chinese Journal of Fisheries