
仔猪饲粮添加植酸酶对养分利用率的影响 被引量:15

Effects of Phytase on the Utilization of Nutrients in Corn-Soybean Meal Diets for Piglets
摘要 2选用48头长白×荣昌杂交仔猪进行二个2×2因子的平衡试验,研究了在高、低能量和有效磷水平的仔猪饲粮中添加植酸酶对仔猪生长性能和养分利用率的影响。每个试验均设2个有效磷水平(0.36%和0.26%)、2个植酸酶添加水平(0、750FIU/kg),共4个处理组,每个处理组设6个重复,每个重复1头仔猪。试验1为高能水平(DE:14.3MJ/kg),仔猪起始体重9.2kg;试验2为低能水平(DE:12.8MJ/kg),仔猪起始体重16.9kg。试验期二周。结果表明,添加植酸酶能够提高仔猪生长性能,降低生长的饲料成本,改善蛋白质、钙磷利用率,但对能量利用率没有明显影响。在高能饲粮中添加植酸酶,仔猪平均日增重、增重/kgW0.75、G/F、蛋白质生物学价值、净蛋白效率比、钙消化率、钙沉积率、磷消化率和磷沉积率分别提高8.1%、6.4%、4.9%、1.5%、5.0%、3.0%、6.0%、12.2%和11.9%,饲粮成本/kg增重降低3.1%;对低能饲粮,上述指标的改进率相应为10.6%、7.2%、7.3%、11.6%、6.7%、4.3%、4.9%、19.6%、21.3%和6.6%。表明植酸酶在低能饲粮中的作用效果很好。 Two 2×2factorial balance experiments using48Landrace x Rongchang piglets were conducted to study the effects of phytase supplementation into diets on nutrient utilizations and pig performance.In each experi-ment,there were4treatments with2dietary levels of available phosphorus(AP)(0.36%and0.26%)and2levels of phytase supplementation(0and750FIU/kg).Each treatment had6replicates of1pig.Dietary DE was14.3MJ /kg and initial bodyweight of pigs was9.2kg for Exp.1,and12.8MJ /kg,16.9kg for Exp.2.The experiment lasted for2weeks.The results showed that phytase supplementation enhanced pig performance in terms of daily gain and feed conversion efficiency,decreased feed cost per kg of body gain,and improved the utilization of dietary protein,Ca and P,but had no effect on energy utilization.For high-energy diets(Exp.1),phytase supplementation improved av-erage daily gain,body gain per kg of W 0.75 ,G/F,biological value of protein,protein efficiency ratio,Ca digestibility,Ca retention,P digestibility and P retention by8.1%,6.4%,4.9%,1.5%,5.0%,3.0%,6.0%,12.2%,and11.9%respectively,and decreased feed cost per kg of body gain by3.1%.The respective figure was10.6%,7.2%,7.3%,11.6%,6.7%,4.3%,4.9%,19.6%,21.3%,and6.6%for low-energy diets,indicating a better performance of phytase in low-than in high-energy diets.
出处 《四川畜牧兽医》 2003年第B09期39-42,共4页 Sichuan Animal & Veterinary Sciences
关键词 仔猪 饲粮添加剂 植酸酶 养分利用率 影响因素 phytase nutrient utilization performance piglets
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