通过稠李的茎尖的分化增殖培养,不定苗的生长、生根、生根苗的移栽,以及无根苗的扦插等试验,筛选出稠李试管苗的增殖、生长、生根的培养基,以及试管苗的移栽和扦插基质.结果表明,MS+BA0.6离体茎尖成活伸长理想培养基;MS+BA0.5+IAA0.2+GA0.5培养基为稠李芽的增殖分化最适培养基;MS+BA0.2+IAA0.1+GA2.0培养基是促进不定苗状苗生长的最适培养基;1 2MS+IAA2.0是诱导生根的最佳培养基.河沙和炉灰渣是稠李生根试管苗移栽,以及无根试管苗扦插的理想基质.无根试管苗的扦插,可简化培养程序,提高繁殖系数.
The experiment studied the state of propagation, growth, radication and the tube seeding's transplantation and selected of suitable medium for propagation of the buds, the growth and radication of the explants. The results indicated that MS+BA0.6mg/L is the effective inducing medium. Medium contains MS+BA0.5mg/L+IAA0.2mg/L+GA0.5mg/L is the best differentiation medium for buds, 1/2MS+IAA0.2mg/L is the best radiation medium and sand or cinder is the suitable medium for transplanting or cuttage. Cuttage increases the efficiency of propagation.
Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition