作者、文本和读者之间的相互关系构成了西方诠释学的主题。据此 ,可以把西方诠释学划分为三个阶段 :第一阶段 ,是以施莱尔马赫和狄尔泰为代表的“作者中心论”诠释学 ,其根本特征是消解读者的历史性和个体性 ,让作者的意图支配读者对文本的理解和解释过程 ;第二阶段 ,是以海德格尔尤其是伽达默尔为代表的“读者中心论”诠释学 ,它完全颠覆了文本解读过程中作者和读者之间固有的支配与被支配关系 ,用“意义的创生”取代“作者原意”作为诠释活动的基本追求 ;第三阶段 ,是以利科尔为代表的“文本中心论”诠释学 ,它试图克服“作者中心论”和“读者中心论”的对立。建构一种方法论与本体论相统一、主观性和客观性相统一的“文本中心论”诠释学 ,代表了诠释学发展的合理走向。
The relationship among the writer, the text, and the reader is the main topic in the western hermeneutics. The development of western hermeneutics can be divided into three stages. In the first stage, the writer-centered theory with Schleiermacher and Dilthey as the representative figures is to eliminate readers' role and let the writers' intention dominate the readers' understanding and interpretation of the texts. In the second stage, the reader-centered theory with Heidegger and Gadamer as the representative figures reverses the innate roles of the writer and the reader, seeking for the substitution of 'meaning recreation' for 'writer's intention'. In the third stage, the text-centered theory with Ricoeur as the representative figure, tried to overcome the opposition between the former two theories and to integrate methodology and ontology, subjectivity and objectivity. It shows the sound tendency of the development of hermeneutics.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)
writer-centered theory
reader-centered theory
text-centered theory
tendency of hermeneutics