城市密集区间的航空运输联系导致城市间的内聚效应和空间互动。城市密集区间的航空运输联系具有明显方向性。京津唐、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲城市密集区间航空运输联系密切 ,国家级大都市与国家级大都市 (区域性大都市 )间联系具有普遍性 ,而与地方性城市中心间航空运输联系具有特殊性。长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和京津唐城市密集区等为人流与信息流联系密切的、以辐射为主的航空中心 ;辽宁中南部城市密集区为航空运输联系欠密切的、人流辐射与信息流集聚中心 ;四川盆地城市密集区为航空运输联系欠密切的。
Air transportation links among urban compact districts a re bringing into playing a more important role in accelerating the process of re gional urbanization. In this paper, urban cohesive effect and spatial interactio n effect for air transportation links of urban compact districts are analyzed, a nd the directionality for air transportation links among urban compact districts are brought into light. The characteristics of spatial network layout and the c enter for air transportation links of urban compact districts are also studied. Air transportation links among urban compact districts result in cohesive effect and spatial interaction effect among cities, and far strengthen social and econ omic links among urban compact districts. Air transportation links among urban c ompact districts have obvious directivity,and are deeply influenced by implicit regional economic links. A notable characteristic of spatial geographical layou t about air transportation links of urban compact districts is: air transportati on links, which are located in coastal areas, i.e. JingJinTang, Changjiang delta , and Zhujiang delta urban compact districts, are close. Air transportation link s between national level metropolis and national level metropolis or regional le vel metropolis are generality. Air transportation links between local level urba n centers and national level metropolis or regional level metropolis are general ity. JingJinTang, Changjiang delta, and Zhujing delta urban compact districts ar e the centers that people and information flow links are close and predominately eradiated. South Central Liaoning urban compact district is people flow eradiat ion and information flow convergence center of air transportation links. Urban c ompact districts in Sichuan Basin are insufficiently linked people flow converge nce and information flow eradiation center.
Human Geography
南京理工大学青年基金项目"经济发达地区产业集聚 (Njust2 0 0 2 0 3 )
urban compact districts
air transportation links
Hun inghang