用不同照射剂量的紫外线照射光棘球海胆的精子,然后与正常的成熟卵子授精。在照射强度为0 75mW/(h·cm2),温度22℃的条件下,照射时间为0~180s,授精率随照射时间的增加而下降,但是在110~130s内又略有回升。用遗传失活精子授精可激活卵子,其早期胚胎的成活率随照射剂量的增加依次为57%、49%、41%、20%、12 5%、48 6%、61%、30 5%、16%。从早期胚胎成活率上可以看出"Hertwig效应"的存在。观察精子遗传失活和授精激活卵子的情况,其结果是在紫外线照射强度为0 75mW/(h·cm2),照射时间为130s,精液厚度为0 1mm的条件下,精子可以完全遗传失活,用这种失活精子授精可激活卵子进行胚胎发育。
Sperm of sea urchin (Strorgylocentrotus nudus) was exposed to different dosages of ultraviolet at 075mW/h·cm2 and at temperature of 22℃The fertilization rate decreased with increase in irradiation period during exposure time from 0 s to 180 sIn irradiation from 110 s to 130 s, however, the fertilization increased slightlyThe eggs were activated by the genetic inactivity sperm and the survival rates of early embryo was 570%, 490%, 410%, 200%, 125%, 486%, 610%, 305%, 160% during various irradiation time, respectivelyThe 'Hertwig' effect was found on the basis of the survival rate of early embryoThe eggs were activated, and developed by the sperm with genetic inactivity at ultraviolet of 075 mW/h·cm2 in 0.1 mm-thick sperm for 130 s
Fisheries Science