清代江南乡村地区存在着政府、宗族和民间慈善三种类型的救济 ,它们各司其职 ,互相补充 ,构成了相对完整的乡村社会救济体系。这些救济机构大多集中于市镇 ,从而使得江南地区乡村社会救济事业的开展呈现出以市镇为中心的态势 ,这是由市镇在社会和经济生活中的地位决定的。
There are three kinds of relief organizations in the rural areas south of Yangtze River during the Qing Dynasty. They are the organizations preparing against disasters and providing disaster relief, the lineage relief organizations and the community relief organizations. Their functions are different and complement each other, forming the system of the social relief in rural areas. As we indicate in the dissertation, these organizations mostly locate in towns, and towns become the center of the social relief undertaking in rural areas south of Yangtze River. It is due to town's important position in the social and economic life.
Agricultural History of China