目的 :探讨了原发性肝癌患者介入治疗前后 ,血清可溶性上皮钙粘蛋白 (sE -CAd)和铁蛋白水平的变化。方法 :应用放免法测定 33例原发性肝癌患者血清铁蛋白含量 ,酶联法测定上皮钙粘蛋白含量 ,并与35名正常健康人作对照。结果 :原发性肝癌患者在介入治疗前血清铁蛋白和上皮钙粘蛋白含量非常显著地高于正常人水平 (p <0 0 1) ,介入治疗后 6个月复发者铁蛋白、上皮钙粘蛋白水平持续异常 ,未复发者铁蛋白、上皮钙粘蛋白水平恢复正常。结论 :血清铁蛋白 (SF)、上皮钙粘蛋白含量变化与原发性肝癌患者的病情和愈后密切相关 。
Objective To investigate the changes of serum E-CAd and SF levels in 33 patients with primary hepatic cancer after intervention therapy. Methods Serum SF levels were determined with RIA and serum E-CAd levels with ELISA in 33 patients and 35 controls. Results Before intervention therapy, serum SF and E-CAd levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in controls ( p <0 01)? Twenty-two of the 30 patients anderwent intervention therapy showed no sign of recurrence at 6 months and their serum SF and E-CAd levels dropped to within normal range. However, in the 8 patients with recurrence, serum levels of SF and E-CAd remained abnormally high. Conclusion Serum SF, E-CAd levels were closely related to the disease process of primary hepatic cancer and were of prognostic value.
Journal of Radioimmanology