

The establishment of vascular casting of human placental with pregnancy induced hypertension and the study of improving its blood-giving function
摘要 目的 探讨胎盘血管的结构和临床价值 ;检测不同程度妊高征患者外周血红细胞内Ca2 + 含量 (IECa2 + ) ,联合应用小剂量肠溶阿司匹林、硝苯地平和硫酸舒喘灵三种药物 ,对降低妊高征患者IECa2 + 、改善胎盘灌注功能和提高新生儿质量的作用。方法 采用改良的血管铸形技术 ,对其中 87例胎盘血管铸形 ;应用流式细胞术 ,对 86例正常足月妊娠及 15 8例不同程度妊高症IECa2 + 测定 ;并对 5 6例妊高征患者采用三联药物治疗。结果 ①展现了人胎盘血管三维结构和双胎胎盘血管系统之间的“血脉相连现象” ;计算了正常妊娠和妊高征胎盘血管系统容积 ,重度妊高征显著性小于正常组 (P <0 .0 1)。②正常孕妇产前及产时IECa2 + 分别是 110 1 7± 89 2和 1173 5± 86 2 ,重度妊高征较正常妊娠和轻度者IECa2 + 显著性增加 (P <0 .0 1)。③本资料 χ2 检验显示三联用药组重度妊高征包括先兆子痫中新生儿重度窒息、IUGR和死胎发生率均显著低于自然组和单用硝苯地平组 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 胎盘血管三维铸形 ,对研究胎盘功能有重要价值 ,也为临床教学提供了直观模型 ;联合应用硝苯地平、小剂量肠溶阿司匹林和硫酸舒喘灵 ,具有协同降低妊高征患者IECa2 + 、改善妊高征胎盘灌注功能的作用。 Objective: To investigate the vascular casting of three-dimensional structure in human placental and the intracellular free calcium concentration in peripheral erythrocyte(IECa 2+)with pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH)and its clinic significance; To study the effect of combined usage of three drugs: aspirin, nifedipine and salbutamol for improving the quality of newborn by increasing the placenta blood-giving function. Methods: Eightseven placentas were made into vascular castings by an improved vascular casting method; One hundred and fifty-eight women with PIH were studied their IECa 2+ levels using a new indicator named Flo-3/AM by flow cytometry, and 86 women with normal pregnancy as control; Fifty-six patients with PIH were treated with the combined usage of three drugs mentioned above. Results: ①Revealing the three dimensional structure in human placentas with normal pregnancy and PIH, including a typical twin one with blood-vascular-communication. The volume of placental vascular bed in PIH was statistically less than that in normal pregnancy (P<0.01); ②The IECa 2+ levels in normal pregnancy were 1101.7± 89.2 before deliver stage and 1173.5±86.2 during deliver stage, however the ones with PIH showed statistically highe than that in slight PIH and the normalcontrols(P<0.01).③The incidence of sever asphyxia、IUGR and stillbirth in the group with sever PIH including pre-eclampsia by treatment of combined usage of the three drugs was statistically lower than that in natural group and the group of single usage by nifedipine(P<0.05). Conclusions: The overlord of IECa 2+ can reflect the degree of asphyxia. The combined usage of three dugs: aspirin, nifedipine and salbutamol has an important effect for improving the quality of newborn by increasing the placenta blood-giving function.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2003年第5期71-74,共4页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
基金 全军"九五"科研基金项目 (编号 :98D0 16)
关键词 妊娠高血压综合征 胎盘 血管铸型 优生 Pregnancy induced hypertension Placenta Vascular casting Birth health
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