目的:①确定可信值参考范围;②有利于超限值提取;③对超限值进行调研;④对填报数据不规范行为监督、指导和管理。方法:用病例分型软件和SPSS9.0统计软件,采用连续3年共400多万份大样本数据测定大、中、小不同规模医院的危重病例率(CD型率)可信值参考范围。结果:大医院CD型率均值48.05%,参考值范围32.17%~66. 98%;中等医院CD型率均值38.13%,参考值范围25.40%~52.30%;小医院CD型率均值28.76%,参考值范围13.62%~45.97%。
Objective: To define the referential range of the credibility value. Methods: With the help of classification software and SPSS9. 0 statistic software, the range is measured by making use of more than 4 million samples of serious cases (CD Type) in hospitals of various sizes in 3 successive years. Results: The average CD Rate of big hospitals is 48. 05%, referential scope 32. 17%- 66. 98%; medium - sized hospitals 38. 13 %and 25. 40% -52. 30%; small hospitals 28. 76 %, and 13. 62 % -45. 97 %.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army