目的 :评价C -反应蛋白 (CRP)免疫比浊法试剂盒。方法 :利用日立 70 60全自动生化分析仪对CRP试剂进行一系列方法学评价试验。结果 :批内CV <3 % ,批间CV <5 % ;线性范围可达 0 4~ 2 0 0mg/L ;当样品中血红蛋白达5 0 0 0mg/L ,胆红素达 10 0 0umol/L ,甘油三酯达 5mmol/L ,以及常用抗凝剂均不干扰测定结果 ;与进口试剂比较 ,其中与德国德塞公司原装试剂比较 ,回归方程为 :y =0 9946x -2 490 6,r =0 9881,与日本klkk公司原装试剂比较 ,y =1 2 0 5 3x +0 8892 ,r =0 993 2。结论 :该试剂使用方便、快速、准确 。
Objective:To appraise C-reactive protein immunoturbidimetric test kit produced by Sichuan Maker Science and Technology CO.,LTD. Methods:CRP was detected with a series of tests on HITACHI 7060 Automatic Analyzer. Results:Within-day CV was less than 3%;between-day CV was less than 5%;linearity was up to 200mg/L,no interference was observed by hemoglobin up to 5000mg/L,cholerythrin up to 1000umol/L,triglyceride up to 5mmol/L and common. anticoagulants. Method Comparison:A comparison between Diasys CRF FS(y) and Maker CRP(x) gave following results:y=0.9946x-2.4906;r=0.9881 A comparison between KLKK CRP(y) and Maker CRP(x) gave following results:y=1.2053x+0.8892;r=0.9932. Conclusion:Maker reagent is easy to use,fast and accurate and suitable for automation analysis.
Journal of Sichuan Continuing Education College of Medical Sciences
C-reactive protein