应用聚合酶链反应 限制性片段长度多态性技术 (PCR RFLP) ,以北京自然人群为基础 ,采用分层随机抽样的方法进行横断面研究 ,对 1 0 46人进行apoE基因分型 ,并分析不同特点人群apoE基因频率分布特点。结果表明 :1 )本组人群ε2、ε3、ε4基因频率分别为 9.1 %、81 .2 %和 9.7% ,男女和各年龄组间基因频率无显著差异 ;2 )与欧美国家相比 ,本组人群ε2基因频率增高 ,ε4频率减低 ,与日本人群相比也有相同趋势 ;3 )在空腹血糖受损及糖尿病人群中ε2频率明显增高 ;4)在高胆固醇血症人群中ε2频率减低。
The study was to determine apoE gene polymorphism by the technique of PCR-RFLP in Beijing nature population. The results show as follows: 1) The frequency of ε2?ε3?ε4 were 9.1% ? 81.2% and 9.7% respectively. There were not significant differences between male and female. 2) Compared with western countries and Japan, the frequency of ε2 increased while ε4 decreased in Beijing natural population. 3) The frequency of ε2 obviously increased in people with IFG and DM. 4) The frequency of ε2 decreases and ε4 increased in hypercholestesrolemia.
Journal of Capital Medical University