热浸铝镀层由表面层及过渡层两部分组成 ,两种层厚所受的影响因素不同 ,其中提升速度、基体表面状态、液态铝的粘度和膜冷凝过程中的温度分布等是影响表面层厚度变化的因素。分析上述诸多影响因素 ,得出影响表面层厚度变化的主要因素是液态铝的粘度和提升速度 ,并建立了流体力学的计算模型。结果表明 :热浸铝表面层厚度和镀铝液的粘度系数与提升速度乘积的平方根成正比 。
Hot dip aluminizing coating consists of surface layer and transition layer, and the thickness of each layer is influenced by respective factors. Drawing velocity, surface state of metal, viscosity of melted aluminum and temperature distribution in the film are possible factors which determine the thickness of surface layer. The viscosity of liquid aluminum and drawing velocity are the main factors to the thickness of surface layer. The fluid dynamics model is established to describe the formation of surface layer, and the thickness of the surface layer can be determined by the viscosity of melted aluminum and drawing velocity through the model. Results show that the thickness of the hot-dip aluminizing surface layer is in proportion to the square root of the product of the melted aluminum viscosity and the drawing velocity, but in inverse proportion to the square root of the melted aluminum density.
The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 0 710 66)