委托—代理理论是继产权理论后教育经济学界所关注的又一热点问题。它既与产权理论紧密相关 ,又在研究思路及侧重点方面与之有所不同。本文在对经济组织中存在的委托—代理问题分析的基础上 ,探讨了我国公立高等学校中存在的委托—代理问题 。
It is a hotspot for educational economics that the theory of trusteeship agency of public universities' property right. Firstly, this paper analyzes the trusteeship agency of economic organization, then discusses the trusteeship agency of public universities in china, and pays more attention to the special problems that exists in the relationship of trusteeship agency between government and public universities.
Fudan Education Forum