ITU recommended the requirement,in real time, |UTC -UTC(k) ≤100 ns. UTC(NTSC) is generated and kept by the National Time Service Center (NTSC), the Chinese Academy of Sciences and | UTC - UTC(NTSC) | has been kept within the required accuracy since Dec. 2000. UTC ( NTSC, MC) is steered mainly with reference to the local atomic time scale of TA(NTSC) which is the time scale being composed of the 6 atomic clocks of the type HP 5071 A at NTSC. The software for real time monitoring and controlling of UTC(NTSC) has been developed and is being under testing , which consists of four frames with the environment of Visual Basic 6.0. The curves formed,in real time, with the data of UTC(NTSC) - GPS obtained from the output files of R100/30T GPS/GLONASS time receivers are used as a subordinated reference.
Publications of The Shaanxi Astronomical Observatiory