Object:The aim of this study was to investigated the levels of physical activity in adults in Jiangsu province,and analyzed the characteristic.Methods:29063healthy adults(20-59years)from 104 counties of Jiangsu province were enrolled in the present study.Physical activity was evaluated using International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form(IPAQ-S).Results:The rate of high or moderate physical activity levels(RHMPH)was 40.9%.The rate of male(43.0%)higher than female(38.6%),as well as total physical activity of a week and MVPA(moderate and vigorous physical activity).The RHMPH of older people(45.6%)higher than young people(36.8%).Our study also showed that rural people more active than urban,but the rate of exercise was reverse.The physical activity level of highly educated higher than lowly educated,but the rate of exercise was reverse.Conclusions:The RHMPH of Jiangsu adults was affected by sex,age,occupation and lifestyle.
Sports & Science