本文记述的云南江川、保山发现的三种猕猴类:江川猕猴(Macaca jiangchuanensis sp.nov.),早更新世;保山塘子沟的短尾猴(M.arctoides)和菲氏叶猴(Presbytis cf.phayrei),早全新世,经^(14)C年代测定约7000年B.P.。江川猕猴是联系西瓦立克地区和华北地区的早期猕猴类型,为南方早更新世猕猴种的首次记录。保山菲氏叶猴的发现意义则是在更新世一全新世时期猴科的地史和地理分布上增加了新的成员。
A fragment of mandible with right P3-M3 was collected from the Jiangchuan, Yunnan as a new species, Macaca jiangchuanensis sp. nov.. Macaca arctoides, and Presbytis of. phayrei from the Baoshan, Yunnan, early Holocene, are also described in this paper.
The diagnosis of the new species is tentatively given as following: An early Pleistocene macaque, smaller than that of Procynocephalus wimani. The mandibular corpus is high and thick. The distance between the anterior and posterior cusps are compressed in the lower molars. The M2 and M3 are relatively larger than the Mi when compared with Rhinopithecus (M.) lantianensis and Macaca robusta. The wear condition is intermediate between Macaca and Rhinopi-thecus. The talonid fovea of the P4 is lower. The mandibular ramus is more vertical.
The upper part of the mandible is robust and thick, its lower part becomes slender. On the lingual side, the sublingualis and mylohyoid lines below the Ms run obliquely to the spina men-talis and the fossa digastrica, respectively. There is a mental foramen below the P4. The buccal walls of the thick enamels are inflated. The buccal cusps are heavily worn, while the lingual cusps are just worn, different from the wear pattern of Macaca robusta or Rhinopithecus (M.) lantianensis.
The Jiangchuan mandible can be distinguished from Procynocephalus wimani in that the former is smaller in size and shows more characters of Macaca. The mandiblular ramus is more vertically oriented the P4 is less molariform. The contact facet between the crown is buccally situated.
By comparison with Rhinopithecus (M.) lantianensis, the Jiangchuan mandible is low(26.0<42.0 in R. (M.) lantianensis. The buccal surface of which inflated in the middle. The lower part of the mandibular corpus is thin; the P3 is more oblique to the post part; the distance between the anterior and posterior cusps is compressed. The sublingualis and mylohyoid lines are similar to that of M. thibetana. It is unlike R. (M.) lantianensis in that the den
Acta Anthropologica Sinica
Macaca jiangchuanensis sp. nov.
M. arctoides
Presbytis cf. phayrei