新疆温泉煤田艾肯拜尔段和柯克它乌组的孢粉化石,计有42属59种.根据孢粉类型和含量变化等特征,建立2个孢粉组合(自下而上):1. Dictyophyllidites-Chordasporites-Jugasporites 组合;2. Cyathidites-Neoraistrickia-Pseudopicea 组合.第一组合产于艾肯拜尔段,时代可能为早侏罗世,第二组合产于柯克它乌组,时代暂定为早、中侏罗世.根据孢粉组合反映的植物群面貌是:裸子植物非常茂盛,其中以松柏纲为主,蕨类植物较少(包括真蕨纲植物);反映的古气候属于温暖湿润的亚热带型.
The present paper studies the sporopollen fossils from the two geological sections of Early Middle Jurassic (Pit Sections I-II, including 2 Early Jurassic samples; and Section IV, including 4 Middle Jurassic samples) in the Wenquan Coalfield of Xinjiang, China. The total collection consists of 42 genera and 59 species, which may be divided in ascending order into the following two sporopollen assemblages based on their characteristics and changes in content. I. DictyophyIlidites-Chordasporites-Jugasporites Assemblage (equivalent to the Early Jurassic Aikenbaier Member) This assemblage contains 35 genera and 51 species, mainly of gymnospermous pollen grains and pteridophyte spores, in addition to a small amount of Sphagnumsporites perforatus (0.3%). It is characterized by the dominance of gymnospermous pollen grains (78.8-94%), among which the bisaccate grains rank first in content, including such species as Chordasporites sp., Jugasporites sp., Protoplnus latebrosa, Quadraeculina anellaeformis, Alisporites australis, A. toralis, Protopicea vilujen- sis, Piceites enodis, P. latens, Pseudopicea rotundiformis, P. variabiliformis, Pityosporites divulgatus, Pteruchipollenites thomasii, Abietineeepollenites pectinella, A. covernosa, Cedripites pusillus, Podocarpidites multicinus, P. multesimus, P. flacciformis, P. major, P. unicus, P. typicus and P. fusiformis (70.6-84.2%), whereas the asaccate grains come next, such as Araucariacites sp., Chasma tospor#es apertus, C. hians and Perinopollenites eiatoides (3-5.7%). The monosaccate grains are re latively lower in content, such as Walchiites gradatus and Cerebropollenites carlylensis (2.2-2.3%), and so are the monocolpate pollen grains such as Cycadopites reticulatus and Ginkgocycadophytus nitidus (1.9-2.0%). There are even more individuals of trisaccate pollen grains, such as Dacrycapites sp. (0.3%). It is noteworthy that some Triassic or Late Palaeozoic survivors are the smallest in number, such as Chordasporites sp. and Jugasporites sp. The pteridophyte spores are re l
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica
Wenquan Coalfield, Early-Middle Jurassic, sporopollen assemblage