人性论是梁实秋文艺思想的哲学基础和核心。梁实秋于新月时期将人性论与自然人性论相对立 ,与阶级论相对立 ;去台湾后的“人性论”与前期仍有诸多相似 ,但对自然人性及浪漫主义不再持简单反对态度 ,内容阐述更丰富具体。梁实秋的人性论具有较浓的抽象色彩 ,体现了鲜明的人本主义精神。
The theory of human nature is the philosophical foundation and the core of Liang Shiqiu's idea of art. During the crescent stage, Liang Shiqiu set the theory of human nature and against the natural theory of human nature and the theory of class. His theory of human nature after he went to Taiwan has a lot of similarities to that before, but did not take the simple antagonistic attitude towards natural human nature and Romanism, and the content became richer and more concrete. Liang Shiqiu's theory of human nature has a strong abstract colouring, embodying a distinct spirit of humanism.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)