目的 分析胰腺癌PTEN蛋白表达以揭示其与胰腺癌生物学行为的关系,通过PTEN与p53蛋白表达相关性的研究,探讨p53突变对PTEN蛋白表达的影响。方法 应用免疫组织化学方法分析41例胰腺癌PTEN和p53蛋白表达。结果 41例胰腺癌中p53阳性表达16例。阴性表达25例;所有标本都有PTEN蛋白表达,其阳性物质定位与癌周正常组织相同,其中22例呈高表达(++),19例呈低表达(+),其表达高低与胰腺癌TNM分期有相关性(P<0.01);并与p53蛋白表达呈现相关(P<0.05);而与肿瘤分化程度无相关性。结论 胰腺癌罕见PTEN的完全失活;胰腺癌PTEN蛋白的亚细胞定位与正常组织相同;但其表达有高低之别,并与胰腺癌TNM分期有相关性,表明PTEN表达下降与胰腺癌侵袭行为及病程进展有关;而p53突变则是导致PTEN表达下降原因之一。
Objective To reveal the relationship between the expression of PTEN and the biological behavior of pancreatic cancer and explore the impact of mutant p53 on PTEN expression. Methods Using immunohistochemistry technique, the study analyzed the expression of PTEN and p53 in archival paraffin tissue sections from 41 cases of respected pancreatic cancer. Results Of 41 pancreatic carcinomas, 16 showed positive staining of p53, the others showed negative. All cases were PTEN immunostain-positive, of which 22 had higher staining(+ +), and the rest, lower(+). PTEN expression correlated significantly with advanced TNM stage(P<0.01), it also correlated with the expression of p53(P<0.05). The results showed no correlation between the expression of PTEN and the degree of differentiation of tumor. Conclusions Our observations confirm that total inactivation of PTEN is uncommon in pancreatic cancer. The tumor tissues showed the same compartmentalization of PTEN with the corresponding normal tissue, but there are difference in PTEN expression, which correlates significantly with advanced TNM stage and p53 expression. These findings indicate that the decreased expression of PTEN is closely related to aggressive behavior of pancreatic cancer, and that mutation of p53 is one of the causes which led to the reduction of PTEN expression.
Journal of Clinical Surgery