中国传统科学研究模型及其体系具有“形而中”的性质 ,形而中既非道 ,也非器 ,而是象。象乃道的隐性显现 ,乃器的直接生成之源。依此观之 ,西方传统科学属于以“心物二分”为前提而产生的原子论为基础的构成论研究传统 ,可谓“机械式”的“器物学” ,长于分析和机械制造 ;而中国传统科学属于以“心物合一”为前提而产生的“气象学”为基础的生成论的研究传统 ,长于对生命和整体的把握。二者是彼此独立的两大科学传统。中国传统科学在近代的命运 ,不是被证伪 ,而是被打败。世界未来科学的发展 ,将取决于中西两大科学传统的会通与互补。认识到这一点 ,才能对中国传统文化和科学的存在价值及其地位作出恰当的评价 ,才能在中国文化现代发展中摆正中国传统科学的位置 ,才能在世界文化和世界科学的未来发展中 ,做出中华民族自己的贡献。
The mode property of the Chinese traditional science is not metaphysical, nor physical, but in a mid-position, called 'Xiang'. Xiang originates from physical source with metaphysical principles hidden in. From this point of view, the Western traditional science belongs to constructivism study tradition based on atomism that produced from dualism between the mind and material. It is physics with mechanical pattern and is good at analyzing and making machinery; whereas Chinese traditional science belongs to generative study tradition based on 'Qi'and 'Xiang' which is good at understanding life and the integrated whole. The Chinese and Western traditional sciences are two different science traditions independent of each other. The destiny of Chinese traditional science in modern times is not certified false, but defeated. The future development of world science will depend on the communication and mutual complementary between Chinese and Western science traditions. With this recognition, we can firstly give proper evaluation to the value of existence and position of Chinese traditional civilization and science; secondly, set a correct position of Chinese traditional science in the modernization development of Chinese civilization; and thirdly, make contribution to the future development of world culture and science.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition