五轴联动数控机床主要应用于自由曲面的加工 ,得到广泛的应用。但五轴联动所涉及的刀具补偿就目前所见资料而言 ,未能得到很好解决。本文重点分析了刀轴有两个旋转自由度 (如B、C)的五轴联动的刀具补偿问题。结果表明经研制的刀具补偿模块在南京四开电子企业的五轴联动数控机床上得到较好应用。
Five-axis linkage CNC machine tools have a main application in machining of free surface. At present, as far as we know ,tool compensation has not been resolved better in five-axis CNC machine tools.especially for those that have two rotary freedoms in tool axis(for instance B and C). The artice mainly analyzed tool compensation of five-axis CNC machine tools whose tool axis has two rotary freedoms.The result shows that the module of tool compensation that we developed has a good application in the five-axis CNC machines of Sky Co. in Nanjing.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics