After chitosan fibers were treated with aqueous solutions of CuSO4 and ZnSO4, by controlling the treatment time, it was possible for the fibers to absorb different quantities of metal ions. This paper studied the effect of the amount of metal ions in the fibers on the physical and mechanical properties of the chitosan fibers. The results showed that both the dry and wet strengths of the fibers increased significantly after the absorption of metal ions. The metal ions could be washed off from the fibers by a treatment with aqueous solutions of EDTA, henced the fibers could be used repeatedly for the recovery of heavy metal ions. When the fibers were treated with acetic anhydride, it was possible to acetylate the chitosan fibers and converted them into chitin fibers. Results showed that after the acetylation, the fibers lost their ability to chelate heavy metal ions, which indicated the fact that the chelation of metal ions was due mainly to the free amine groups in the chitosan fibers.
Synthetic Fiber in China